Wednesday, February 15, 2006

An evening reminiscent of our reunion....

Yup.. the food was marvelous :D

So, will there be the next reunion outing?

Leave ur comments.. let's discuss bout it!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Shah & Sharina: The Wedding


I was not able to attend Shah + Sharina's wed lar.. had a family wedding on the very same day (29th Jan). To go to Penang pulak was a decision that has to be made with budget report & stuff.. heee.. sorry Shah..

So, back to the wedding story.. of course it was a lovely sunny afternoon.. the akad nikah took place at Sharina's home in Gombak.. The best part? Shah nikah kan Tok Kadi tu skali! hihi.. mesti kes gubra ni.. komen dr Shah: "Script tuka lak last minit - practise ayat lain.." Owhhh and Megat was the best man :) Anyway.. congratulations to both of you!!! Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar & selamat. Dengar cerita kawan-kawan kita hari tu memang terus serbu makanan jer... tak tunggu pengantin langsung.. hehe.. biasalah kalau namanya kenduri, yer tak? (orang serbu makanan - jangan marah aaa..)

Please do leave your comments if you want to add more stories to this one. Thank you for the info given by our friends who attended the wedding.. (Hasni + Skin..) till then.. take care & bye-bye!!

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